SEO For Tree Surgeons: A Definitive Guide

If you want people to find your tree service company, you had better show up on the first page of Google. My definitive guide on SEO For Tree Surgeons helps you do just this!

And if you don’t, there is a high chance your competition will get the call.

Read on to learn the basics of improving your website’s visibility to promote lead generation using search engine optimization (SEO).

And just to let you know, you can download my FREE E-BOOK, Digital Marketing For Tree Service Companies by following —> THIS LINK.

Local SEO for tree surgeons

You might have seen listings for local businesses appear at the top of the search results.

Google Business Profile is a powerful tool to use to get in front of your customers, and having a profile allows you to show up in the local listings.

An example of a Google Business Profile for a tree service company

According to statistics released by SEMRush in 2023:

  • 98% of people read online reviews for local businesses.
  • 87% of consumers researched local businesses with Google search in 2022 (6% more than in 2021).
  • Businesses with a Google Business Profile are 70% more likely to have customers visit. Those customers are 50% more likely to consider purchasing.
  • Searchers using Google Maps for “shopping near me” have grown more than 100% yearly.
  • Google is the most trusted platform for consumers looking for local business reviews.

Reading these statistics, you can understand that ranking in local search is essential for any business.

Local search results differ from organic search results because businesses with a Google Business Profile show in the Map Pack. See our article on supercharging your way to the top of the map pack.

An example of the map pack in Google search

People who search for local tree service companies can get contact details, opening hours, and reviews about businesses that might be able to help them.

It helps to rank high in the map pack to get more inquiries.

How to appear in local search results

Claim your free Google Business Profile

You can start the ball rolling by heading over to

Sign up and claim your free Google Business Profile.

Take time to get your Business Profile right

In the SEO industry, we call this optimizing your profile. Once you have claimed your Google Business Profile, fill in as much information as possible, including the types of tree services you offer.

Optimize Google Business Profile

Add photos and videos

Photos and videos can generate higher engagement and trust with potential customers.

Show pictures of your office and your staff or videos of tree-related services that you supply, such as tree trimming or tree planting. And you can always reuse these on your website and blog.

Build citations

Citations are the links of local SEO and they help people find your business. You can create a business listing in one of the many online directories and add your name, address and phone number (known as NAP).

You receive a citation each time your NAP details are mentioned on the web.

Get reviews on your Business Profile page

Google reviews help massively with creating trust and credibility. They also help you to rank higher. Be sure to ask customers to review your business and services.

An example of Google reviews for a tree service company

Keyword research

Keyword research is the most crucial step of SEO. You need optimize your website to target the right keywords in order to reach your ideal customer.

You may wonder what exactly a keyword is if you are new to SEO.

Put simply, a keyword is any phrase you would like your website to rank for in Google’s search results. A keyword can be one word or multiple words.

Examples of keywords are tree service companies near me, tree surgeons in Florida, tree trimming and tree removal near me.

Tree removal keyword list in ahrefs

Always think from your customer’s perspective when finding keywords. Customer searches will generally be for specific services such as tree pruning or tree removal.

Ranking your website for search terms your customers enter into Google could mean more website clicks, more leads, and more sales. You’ll need to use a keyword research tool to find tree-related keywords. My favourite is AhrefsKeyword Explorer.

Keyword research tools store billions of keywords and metrics. They include estimated search volumes, difficulty in ranking and other SEO metrics. When looking for keywords, remember the ultimate mantra: relevance is everything.

How to find keywords

Enter seed keywords relevant to tree service companies

Go to ahrefs. Go to Keyword Explorer and enter a seed phrase that is specific to your industry. For example, tree pruning.

Tree pruning keyword metricks in ahrefs

Dive into the keyword and find ones you can rank for

Click on matching terms. Although tree pruning has 10,000 searches a month, it’s competitive with a Keyword Difficulty (KD) of 50.

KD is a value from 0 to 100, where a keyword with 0 KD is easy to compete for, and 100 KD is nearly impossible.

Tree pruning matching terms in ahrefs

It’s also hard to know what the searcher is looking for because the keyword is very broad. But you can find keywords that are easier to rank for, that might also bring more relevant traffic.

For example, tree pruning services.

Tree pruning service keyword metrics in ahrefs

Tree pruning services would be easier to rank with a KD of 10 and have a significant search volume of 800 searches a month.

Tree pruning services is a keyword that also has some meaning behind it. We don’t need to guess what the searcher is looking for. If you offer tree pruning as a service in your local area, this might be a keyword to target to help your customers get in touch with you.

Content Creation

Why content is important for your SEO strategy

You’ve optimized your Google Business Profile and completed your keyword research. Now, it’s time to write content for your website. Content creation comes in many different forms, including videos, podcasts, and e-books.

For website SEO, you will want to create service pages and blog articles.

A tree trimming service page

These types of content can allow you to rank in Google and attract potential customers.

Your home page will give a general overview of what you offer to your customers. It is unlikely that you will rank well for tree service keywords here. Because of this, you should have specialized service pages.

These pages should target keywords that have good traffic volumes and lower KDs.

How to create the best content for the tree service industry

For example, create a tree pruning services web page and link to it via your main website menu. You can target customers in your area with the right content and keywords. You should also add calls to action.

Make sure the page URL also contains the keyword. Adding geotargeted keywords is also essential. If you are in Boston, consider adding some content related to Boston to your page.

You might also mention Massachusetts, and you might even add a location reference to the URL to really help Google understand where your services are based.

An example of geo-targeted content

Creating content to target services and locations helps the Google search algorithm understand who you are, what you do and where you do it. The secret to appearing in search engine results is not letting the search engine guess!

You can also bring more traffic to your website by creating a blog. Add articles that help answer questions that customers might have.

You can find topics to cover by conducting keyword research. You can answer questions people in your community have. And you can ask your customer for their ideas.

Technical and on-page SEO

I have seen it time and time again. A tree services company hires a web design company to create the best-looking website.

The site might have great branding. It might have movies and photographs showing off exceptional tree maintenance. And yet, the website won’t rank or get any traffic.

That means no business and a brochure website that doesn’t bring any web traffic to the company. All the hard work is for nothing unless customers can find a website on Google.

Google has to be able to crawl and index websites for them to show up. Even after indexing, Google still needs to understand what a website is about. To help create the right signals for Google, we use on-page SEO.

An example of on page SEO

On-page SEO means adding signals to your page to let Google know what it is about. This helps search engines and potential customers know exactly what you do.

Link building

When you’re running a business, reputation is everything. It’s the same when ranking your website in the search engines. Backlinks are the HTML links that take you from one website to another when clicked.

Backlinks are one of Google’s strongest ranking factors. A backlink counts as a vote of confidence; the more backlinks you get, the better.

However, not all backlinks carry the same value.

List of tree service related backlinks in ahrefs

If you have many low-quality backlinks pointing to your site, your ranking may not be boosted. If your website has high-quality and relevant backlinks, then Google sees you as trustworthy. Your ranking can go up, and your reputation with Google also goes up.

Google prioritizes trustworthy websites higher in the search results. In Google’s eyes, you gain authority in your field. As your website gains authority, ranking for more challenging keywords is easier. You will also need fewer backlinks to rank for keywords.

Link building is one of the most challenging aspects of SEO. By using good strategies and techniques, it’s possible to acquire links.

For Local SEO, try to get backlinks from local directories or relevant local websites such as your Chamber of Commerce or Better Business Bureau. To boost your trustworthiness, try to get links from websites in the arboricultural space. The more well-known, the better.

Be Sure To Check Out Why You Need SEO For Your Tree Service Company


This article gave you an overview of SEO for tree surgeons and arborists. You can follow the links on this page to read about the topics in more depth.

It is possible to get great SEO results without hiring a digital marketing company. You will need a good plan to follow. The key is implementing, testing and tracking results.

If you want your tree service company to appear in the Google search results, then it’s worth the effort. Use SEO for tree surgeons to help potential customers find your tree service business.

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Graeme Knight

Graeme is an SEO professional with over 10 years of experience. He works with Tree Service companies to get more visibility, clicks, and sales!